Selasa, 12 April 2016

Delectable food for healing

Things are getting a bit hectic for me at the moment.
I found the past few weeks rather tiring and yet it was not that productive.

I always thought that I have to spend my youth by keeping myself busy and doing things that would make me happy. But lately I thought that I've wasted my youth by not getting anything from that.

I know that it's too early to say something like that.

But, ...

Well... all I need to do is keep doing my best with patient and be grateful for everything that I have.

So, today finally I got a short healing time and what else could heal this stress except FOOD!

It was at Urban Pop, a cafe that likely dedicated for kpop fans. They have some korean easy-to-make food like ramyun and kimbab. They also have rice burger (?), a burger that use rice instead of buns. Spaghetti, pasta, and pancake for dessert are also on the menu. 
I ordered ice dilmah mint, it's kind of tea but honestly it felt so weirdly fresh and rather unique.

It is located at Sawojajar, Malang, for the detail you could open this link! Sawojajar is one of area that I used to come a lot when I was still on high school. Now, everytime I go there, there're always butterflies in my heart. And goosebumps, sometimes. Because it's just so nostalgic.

Typical of korean food, they were so RED. But they were not as spicy as some noodles brand in Malang. So they are still easy to eat. The serving is just right, not too much but still be able to make me full. The broth has not too strong fishy flavour. And mineral water is free! 


Even if I only get 1  hour to enjoy this healing time, I guess it was worth enough after my sleepless night in front on laptop, clicking the mouse, typing words, highlighting citation endlessly. 
Blogging is also my way to relieving stress, that's why I take my time to write and upload it here :)
Well, 4 days until weekend. Have a great day till then!

ps. Thanks to my auntie for accompanying and taking my photos today

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

My grandma's locker

Since I got into college, I tried to put any clothes on differently everyday. Doing this thing for years is not as easy as it seems. I couldn't buy tops, skirts, simple dresses, and hijabs as often as I want. That's why instead of buying, I'd rather create and do some mix & match my clothes. It's nice to hear "Hey, you look so fresh in this outfit" or "Is it new?" or "How can you keep wearing new clothes everyday?", but honestly there were some times when my friends said "I don't think the color suit you well" or "Why are you wearing this kind of thing?" or "You surely look like having more weight in this outfit". Comments are accepted. It's a pleasure for me to keep learning how to dress nicely.

2 weeks ago I went to my grandma's house and she was arranging her old clothes. We then found some outers that exactly like my style and it was kind of surprising to know that those stuff are from 30 until 40 years ago!

It's a well made outers made by my grandma's favorite tailor (ya, it's not a goods store). The one with floral pattern has more coarse and thinner fabric. It was the oldest among those three but I love it the most. The fact that my grandma and me share the same size was also interesting because she's actually taller than me. 

My grandma also told me some stories why she wanted to make those and times when she was wearing those clothes as I tried the outers one by one. It gave me nostalgic feels as if I were her. 

Like I said before, the outer with floral pattern is my favourite and I like to mix & match clothes so as soon as I came back home I directly went to my closet and seek a dress to make a good pair. I pick my brown dress that gives netral and tranquil vibes (?). I thought of wearing a pink hijab to avoid making old look because that's what brown tone could do to you. 

Isn't it beautiful?

I'd like to keep learning and continue to please everyone's eyes with my style everyday :)

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Cloud computing is safe!

Pada pos terakhir kita sudah berkenalan dengan komputasi awan dan Microsoft Azure. Di pos kali ini saya akan berbagi apa yang saya telah dapatkan dari program MSP, lanjutan dari pos sebelumnya...

Second. Microsoft Virtual Academy Certificate of Completion
Apakah temen-temen sudah terpikirkan kalau data kita letakkan di jaringan internet maka resiko tidak amannya data sangat besar? Jika sudah, lalu temen-temen pasti mulai bertanya-tanya tentang keamanan dari komputasi awan. Saya telah mengikuti kursus mandiri singkat di Microsoft Virtual Academy dan ternyata komputasi awan sangat menjamin keamanan data kita!

Dari materi keamanan di dunia berbasis cloud ada beberapa bagian-bagian yang dapat kita pelajari yaitu penyedia cloud terpercaya; strategi keamanan, tata kelola, dan operasionalisasi cloud; kontrol administratif; keamanan informasi dan data; keamanan identitas pengguna dan perangkat; keamanan aplikasi, jaringan, OS, dan fabric. Keseluruhan dari materi tersebut ada beberapa pokok yang dapat diambil yaitu komputasi awan dan keamanan dalam internet memaksa kita untuk berpikir berbeda. Kita harus menjadikan cloud sebagai jalan untuk menyelaraskan bisnis dengan keamanan dengan cara lebih memfokuskan resource keamanan IT kita. Sumber daya manusia, proses, dan teknologi sangat berpengaruh pada keberhasilan keamanan pada cloud. Selain itu kita harus memprioritaskan beberapa hal, diantaranya kita harus fokus pertama kali pada prinsip "Do No Harm" dan fokus kepada dampak terbesar dari kontrol administratifnya. Kemudian hal yang paling penting untuk diamankan adalah data! Akan tetapi kita juga tetap harus menjaga layer-layer yang lain supaya data kita aman.

Temen-temen bisa ikut belajar materi ini dan mencoba penilaian yang disediakan pada link ini.
Setelah temen-temen selesai temen-temen bisa mendapatkan sertifikat seperti milik saya berikut

Third, at last but not least, kenapa harus menggunakan Microsoft Azure?
Azure memiliki kelebihan yang sangat banyak diantaranya dalam scaling, redundancy, failover, storage, authorization, dan lain sebagainya. Azure juga memiliki pilihan arsitektur yang baru. Azure sangat cocok untuk semua pihak, entah itu individu, perusahaan kecil hingga perusahaan besar. Dengan Azure pengguna juga hanya membayar apa yang pengguna gunakan. Azure memiliki tawaran pelayanan yang sangat besar seperti Azure portal, monitoring alerts, Azure Search, Azure Media Services, Azure Automation, Azure Scheduler, dan masih banyak lagi.
Menarik banget, kan?

Okay, that's a wrap. Semoga temen-temen tertarik dan selamt mencoba!

Getting started with Microsoft Azure

Tempo hari saya mencoba mengikuti program Microsoft Student Partner dan sejauh ini saya sudah mendapatkan beberapa pengetahuan yang menarik banget. We share because we care, nah dari kata-kata tersebut kali ini saya akan coba untuk berbagi pengetahuan itu supaya kita bisa dapet ilmunya sama-sama.

First. Microsoft Azure.

Apa sih Microsoft Azure itu? Saya pernah dengernya Windows Azure, sama nggak sih? 

Oke, kita kenalan dulu sama Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure atau Windows Azure merupakan salah satu sistem operasi komputasi awan yang dibuat oleh Microsoft. Komputasi awan sendiri merupakan terjemahan dari Cloud Computing. 

Cloud computing adalah...

Biasanya dengan menginputkan keyword seperti itu di google temen-temen langsung terujuk ke wikipedia dan ya, memang definisi dari Cloud computing tertera jelas di sana. Di sini berdasarkan pemahaman saya, komputasi awan itu seperti layanan di mana kita sebagai pengguna dapat menjalankan program tanpa instalasi, mengolah data, dan mengakses data pribadi kita dengan akses internet. 

Gimana caranya kok bisa begitu?

Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, komputasi cloud menggunakan akses internet sebagai media kerjanya. Jadi di sini internet digunakan sebagai server, infrastruktut seperti media penyimpanan data dan juga instruksi/perintah dari pengguna disimpan secara virtual melalui jaringan internet kemudian perintah – perintah tersebut dilanjutkan ke server aplikasi. Setelah perintah diterima di server aplikasi kemudian data diproses dan pada proses final pengguna akan disajikan dengan halaman yang telah diperbaharui sesuai dengan instruksi yang diterima sebelumnya sehingga pengguna dapat merasakan manfaatnya.

Terus, bagaimana cara menggunakan Microsoft Azure?

1. Kamu harus punya Microsoft Azure!
Temen-temen bisa register dengan menggunakan akun dreamspark atau lainnya. Saya sendiri menggunakan akun dreamspark karena saya dapat kode dreamspark dari program MSP ini, jadi apa-apa gratis! Banyak serunya kan join program MSP? Absoluetly, YES!

Kalau temen-temen ingin download melalui bisa klik di tulisan Get Azure Now. Sebelumnya, temen-temen pelajar atau mahasiswa juga bisa membuat akun terlebih dahulu di tab student. Mungkin di gambar yang saya beri nggak terlihat, tapi temen-temen bisa coba aja langsung di web tersebut.

2. Buka!
Setelah temen-temen berhasil memiliki akun dari Microsoft Azure, temen-temen bisa mulai menggunakannya pada halaman

Di sini, kita bisa bikin apa aja dengan bahasa apa aja dan untuk platform apa aja. 
Saya memberikan contoh step by step deploy web app di Microsoft Azure ini. Temen-temen bisa mulai ikuti dengan  pilih menu New.

Sekali lagi di sini temen-temen diberi fasilitas yang sangat beragam makanya menu juga banyak banget. Untuk membuat web app pilih Web + Mobile  lalu pilih Web App.

Input nama app nya dan kolom-kolom selanjutnya, tunggu  sampai ada checklist di samping kolom yang sudah teman-teman isi. Kalau sudah beres temen-temen bisa klik button create.

Azure akan memberi sebuah notifikasi apabila web app kita berhasil dibuat ataupun gagal dibuat. Kalau temen-temen masih gagal mungkin bisa diulang langkah-langkahnya dan kalau berhasil setelahnya bisa kita lihat url web app yang telah kita deploy tadi dengan hostname ftp dan lain sebagainya.

Tampilan awal dari web app yang kita deploy tadi akan tampak seperti ini. Tampilan ini bisa kita ubah-ubah kok sesuai keinginan kita.

Nah. That was just only the beginning. Saya masih punya 2 hal lagi untuk saya sharing kan dengan temen-temen. 

Jump to the next!

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016


The ultimate gorgeous sisters in the (kpop) world...

I was so much into kpop since 2008. There's saying, "Once you enter kpop, you'll never comeback". As time goes by, I lost my interest little by little. BUT, YES! I never completely lost my interest on kpop. There's always something that pulls me back to this world. What is it called? Gravity? Kpop gravity?

Jessica Jung or Jung Sooyeon. She's a former Girls' Generation aka SNSD member. She's 1989 liner. Born in April, 18th. She's the unnie, the older one. She has a very east-asia-face, in my opinion. Very cute and beautiful. 

The dongsaeng or the younger one is Krystal Jung, Jung Soojung in Korea. She's from girlgroup F(x). 1994 liner. One year older than me, but I feel like we have huge age range because her aura, charisma, whatever is that, is just overflowing, in good way.

I became a fan of them since the reality show "Jessica and Krystal". I feel like I became obsessed with them because of the show. They're so normal in person and so honest at expressing themselves. 
That's how I feel after watching the show. They were known with their coldness, but I think there's nothing wrong with that, even Queen Elsa, who loved by everyone and whose song is sang by every layer of people, is a cold person, she even froze a whole city.

I also love them because of their fashion sense. I think they always wear basic clothes in safe-zone-color, but they can pull it perfectly. They make those simple clothes be alive. And their legs, as if they were made for jeans. 

Their voice! Their vocal color is unique eventhough it's not pleasing in the ear at first (since I love deep-low female vocal tone like Lana del rey). And I think their voice changes everytime they speak in English, yeah both of them could speak in English FLUENTLY, it sounds so sexy and more mature.

Overall, I like everything about them. Honestly this is the first time I like singer or artist to the point I want to be like them. Hahaha

Watch the show on youtube, the videos are in private mode, snapfinger42 has the playlist, so you can just seek it on snapfinger42 channel! Thankyou for visiting, XO

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

A little dream I tried to pursue

Just as the Billy Joel's song title, Everybody Has A Dream, me too, I have my own dream too.
The funny thing is, my dream keeps changing.

I even googled "Why does my dream keeps changing".

Anyway, I want to share about my latest hobby, that turned out to be my little dream I tried to pursue.

I love doodling, drawing, sketching, and painting even my skill is very rough. Last holiday I tried to draw kind of clothes that I want to wear. Can I call it 'designing'? Hahaha

Actually I always shy when people look at my drawing, that's why I didn't draw much and I drew it while nobody's around. I only used 2H-2B-8B pencil for my first drawing. This is the very first piece I draw!!!

I often to wear this kind of long dress to school and put an outer to cover the arm. Since my holiday was so long, I decided to make the dress! I spent some 3 or 4 days to look for the fabric and the other materials that I need for making the dress. My daddy was the one who found the fabric and I totally in love with the tone, pattern, black-white style. With my Auntie's (much) help, voila! This masterpiece of mine was done! 

Here is a little detail for making the shape of the dress. It's quite messy, right?  Hahaha

Well, that's a wrap! Thankyou for reading, XO

© Jumping into the joy
Maira Gall