Selasa, 09 April 2019

Making each other's dreams come true

I do want to do that

... but, what is my dream?

Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Everyone has story to tell

So, will you read mine?

Actually, I didn't write it recently, I found this post in my draft. I remember writing it on new year's eve just because, but I don't remember why I didn't publish it and so I edited some part of it.

When I was little there are 3 things I always imagine the most. 

First, me being a pediatrician. It's literally my dream, to be a doctor, a pediatrician especially.
And now I'm not. I'm majoring computer science or so called informatics. I studied how to make a good software, how to design it, how to adopt human's brain into computer, make it safe, etc.
I remember how my mother always wish me to be a doctor on my birthday and in the end of my high school days I got accepted into computer science faculty without any test, but my report  marks. Then I just simply deceived.
I didn't try any entrance exam after that, I forgot that I've been dreaming to be a doctor all the time, I kept saying to myself that it is what God gives to me. Now I'm too sober to realize it. How could I think like that when I didn't even try, how could I give up on my dream, and how could I even forget what was my real dream?
I shouldn't regret it by now, because no matter what, I've been living in fun these college days. I met good people, make friend, join into some organizations, get a position. I think I should be more grateful and live happily with people who I love, right?

Second, me living abroad.
By the time I wrote this post, I haven't even gone abroad. YET. I don't know why but I believe that the sky out there would be different with the sky I look into everyday here. I learn how to speak English with so much effort just because this imagination of mine. Now I live far far far away from my home, my parents, my country and indeed the sky is the same, but the atmosphere is somewhat different. Here I could feel the atmosphere of accomplishment. Finally.

Third, me dying young.
Did I watch to much telenovela when I was a child?! I remember that almost everyday I kept visualizing my self in the future will get sick and die in 20s and my family, friends, will be drown in tears. I don't know why this imagination came from at that time. In fact, I was a child who likes to do everything perfectly and hereinafter I would demand a perfect result (or feedback) as well. As I grew old, I found some occurrences where no matter how hard I try, the result will not always be like I want. Those occurrences kept bothering me and made me stressed, like I couldn't accept it to the point I don't want to live anymore. Those might be the reason why I visualized weird imagination back then. Despite of having this imagination once, fortunately I met people, befriend them, sharing thoughts, read some motivational quotes, and all of that helped me to realize that there is still sky above the sky. So, here I am now portray my self as a very outgoing and chill(?) person who really wants to live a long long long life. Meh. 

Moreover, now I feel grateful that I am still here, writing, and reminiscing my stupid imaginations. Bye!

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

Coming to Taiwan for Master's Program

I should be doing my homework right now.
But all of sudden I remember that I have a blog and I have this urge to drop a story here.

In the past months I had been working in a small software house which unfortunately has no good environment at all, except for some senior workers whom I got many life lessons from. After resigning on July, I came to Taiwan for the first time in my life in the end of August. I flew here with my friend from my previous uni and we're now also get into the same uni, department, but different lab.

Me, Rania, Nanda, Tommy, Dandut, and some footage at Singapore (transit time).

Long story short, we came at Taipei international airport in the early morning and went to our uni using MRT and bus which only took about 30 minutes. My first impression was like Taiwan is not much different than Indonesia, probably because of my uni's location which is at the downtown of Taoyuan City, I thought. As I expected, it was kinda tough just to eat halal food, but since we have Indonesian student association (PPI) and Moslem community, I got to eat my very first meal pleasantly. About where I live, I got a room in international dormitory and got a super-nice angel-like roommate from Aceh. Overall, everything was (and still is) okay.

I spent a lot of money in my first 3 days here since I have to buy mattress and bedding (it was not provided as dorm facility), basic household needs, etc. There are many convenience stores here which obviously made us convenience, but in order to get cheaper price for the same product I  like to go to bigger mart outside the uni. Once again, I'm so glad that we have PPI, they help, led and accompanied us, new students, to wherever it is necessary. Some of seniors from PPI that graduated around the time my arrival even gave us many stuffs free such as blankets, winter jackets, bags, clothes, and any other things. So that at least, I managed to press my expense down.

Taiwan's people spoke in broken English, even some of them can't speak in English at all. Sometimes google translate doesn't help, because there are some words that differ between Taiwan's mandarin and Mainland's mandarin. However, that has not been a big problem all this time. Around 2 weeks before my arrival in Taiwan, I got an email which was from current student, who is Mandarin native speaker that proficient speaker of English, and he was called as buddy. My buddy told me about anything that I should do prior and subsequent to my arrival, reminded me for every new student's compulsory schedule, and help me with any administrative things. Moreover, whenever I got troubles of receiving email in Chinese characters or having to talk with someone in Chinese, I could just reach my buddy and he will help me to be the mediator.

That's what I want to tell for now. Ciao!

© Jumping into the joy
Maira Gall